Popcorn Time For iOS, iPhone Download { No Jail Break }

Popcorn Time For iOS App: Until now, to enjoy all the advantages offered by Popcorn Time on the iPhone or iPad we needed to have jailbreaks, however, from today it is possible to install without jailbreak thanks to a few simple steps that we must do from the computer.

And is that the guys at Popcorn Time have wanted to make things easier on iOS, as it is the only platform that has put obstacles to install and use Popcorn Time for ios easily. Since Apple does not allow to install any application from outside the App Store and also does not allow applications that make use of piracy in the App Store it was practically impossible to use Popcorn Time by the normal method.

Steps to install Popcorn Time without jailbreak on iPhone or iPad:

  • Download iOS Installer.
  • Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer
  • Press Trust this computer to give the program access to the device
  • Turn on aeroplane mode on your device
  • Wait for the installation to complete
  • Launch the installed application
  • Disable aeroplane mode
  • Okay, this should be more than enough to be able to use Popcorn Time on iPhone or iPad without having to install it by Cydia. The truth is that although it is a mode not accepted by Apple the application works correctly. In addition, Popcorn Time for ios became popular, guys say that it is quite possible that Apple will close the hole that exists to install the app, but has new versions of the application ready to be able to reinstall it.

Leaving aside the discussion of whether it is a legal or ethical process, the truth is that it offers us the possibility to enjoy multimedia content in a comfortable way and sharing among users. Something that to this day no service offers at a good price.